
The World Christian database is updated twice a year, following research cycles.

Detailed examples and church membership
01 Jul 2008

The Detailed Examples home page has been revamped with new queries...

We have revamped the Detailed Examples home page by adding new queries that illustrate the breadth of information in the World Christian Database.

One example is Buddhist peoples outside Asia which shows the impact of emigration (sorting on mid-2005 reveals the largest as the Vietnamese of the USA). Another approach is Muslim Peoples of Southern Europe, a filter that spotlights Muslim peoples in a particular UN region.

Both of these examples can be adjusted by changing criteria (another religion or another region).

In addition, we have continued updating church membership figure for mid-2005 as published reports increasingly become available to replace projections from earlier years.

Church membership
01 Apr 2008

With today's update, most countries have had a significant strengthening of their 2005 church membership data...

Most countries have had a significant strengthening of their 2005 church membership data, as published reports increasingly become available to replace projections from earlier years.

It is a fact of research life that statistics are usually required for 'the present' but there is a significant time lag between when statistics are gathered and when they can be published. Census data, for example, often takes several years from the time of the data collection to the time of first publication. In the meantime, population estimates are made by projecting data from previous years.

The World Christian Database is now in the final stages of consolidating global denominational membership with published membership data for the year 2005. This, together with it's earlier consolidated position for the year 2000, will provide a solid basis for projection to 2010 which in time will become WCD's next 'base year'.

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Data on 18 categories of religion, including non-religious, by country, province, and people.

Countries and regions

Data on all religions, Christian activities, and trends.


Membership data, year begun, and rates of change.

Cities & provinces

Population and religion data on all major cities & provinces.

Peoples & languages

Detailed information covering religion, culture, and geography.


A repository of historical data, including a chronology of Christianity from the 1st to 21st centuries.