World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
urban mission In the field of urban industrial mission, Christian organizations significant at the national or wider levels number over 400.
urbanites Urban dwellers, persons residing in a city, town, or recognized urban area.
urbanization The state or extent of urban areas or the process of becoming urbanized, in a particular country.
users of a language All persons in a country who can understand a language since it belongs to a language cluster containing their own.
usual language The language customarily used by an individual, as distinct from his mother tongue (qv).
vagrants Persons of no fixed abode.
Vaishnavites Worshippers of Vishnu in any of his forms or incarnations, in several schools, including Sri Sampradayins, Vadagalai, Tengalai, Ramanandis, Vallabhacharins, Chaitanyas, Nimbarkas, Madhvas, and others.
Vajrayana The Tantrism school of Buddhists; Tantrayana (qv).
variable A quantity that changes or varies in size; dependent variable, independent variable, etc.
variable Any quality or phenomenon or aspect of religion that varies or changes and then can be measured by an instrument or measuring device.
Vatican Official headquarters and spiritual center of the Catholic Church; in Rome.
Vaticanism The dogma of absolute papal supremacy.
Vedas The most ancient sacred writings of Hinduism; any of 4 Samhitas (Aranyaka, Brahmana, Sutra, Upanishad).
vehicular megalanguage A language with a million or more speakers which acts a a trade language or lingua franca.
Venice See of Latin Catholic patriarchate and patriarch, since 1451
viable indigenous church Within an ethnolinguistic people or minipeople, an indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelize their own people group without needing outside cross-cultural assistance.
vicar An Anglican incumbent who is not a rector; a Catholic ecclesiastic who acts as the substitute or representative of another.
vicar-general The deputy of a Catholic or Anglican bishop assisting in the jurisdiction of the diocese.
vicariate (symbol V). The office, authority, or jurisdiction of a vicar.
vicariates apostolic (symbol VA). Catholic missionary districts over each of which a vicar apostolic (a bishop) exercises jurisdiction.
vicariates castrensi Military vicariates (qv).
Viet-Muong An Asian ethnolinguistic family.
village polytechnic Christian program in developing countries, offering local technical skills and intermediate technology at village level.
Villatte succession churches Autocephalous Catholic churches under bishops-at-large (qv) whose disputed episcopal orders pass through J.R. Villatte, Mar Timotheus (died 1929).
Vishnavites Vaishnavites (qv).
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